Thank you for visiting https://www.pekin.com.tr. As Pekin Bayar Mizrahi Law Firm, confidentiality and protection of your privacy is an important concern to us, to which we pay special attention during our activities. Data protection and information security are part of our policy. Therefore, we kindly ask you to read this Privacy Policy that we have prepared for you in detail, at the beginning of your visit to our website. Links on our website, referencing to the other websites, are not covered by this privacy statement.

A. Legal Notice

The site https://www.pekin.com.tr (hereinafter “Website“), which you are visiting now, belongs to and is exclusively operated by Pekin ve Bayar Danışmanlık Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti. (Pekin Bayar Mizrahi Law Firm).

Website Owner and Service Provider: Pekin ve Bayar Danışmanlık Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti.

Address: İstanbul Beşiktaş Etiler Ahular Sokak No.15

Trade Register No: 389941

Contact Person: Ergin Mizrahi

Tel: +90 (0212) 359 57 00

E-mail: info@pekin.com.tr


All content on our Website, all kinds of information and documents and trademarks including but not limited to all kinds of audio, text, display, photograph, logo, graphic, image, shape, drawing, and all intellectual property and other rights concerning them, belong to us and are subject to the legal protection under the relevant domestic and international legislation, particularly Turkish Penal Code No. 5237 and the Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works. Without being limited to the foregoing, no content on our Website can be used, altered, copied, reproduced, retained, rented, lent, republished, installed to another computer, posted, transmitted, distributed, adapted, processed, held for commercial purposes, sold, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, exactly or any other way, without our written permission and such acts cannot be encouraged. Users are free to print out the pages of our Website for personal use, provided that they are not for profit or commercial purposes.


B. Cookies and Website Traffic

A cookie is a text file sent to your computer by the website’s server when you visit a website, and cookies are collected through the devices from which you access our Website.

There are various types of cookies. We may use two types of cookies on our Website: “session cookies” and “persistent cookies”. Session cookies are temporary cookies that are kept on your device until you leave our Website. Persistent cookies, on the other hand, may be stored on your device for a longer period of time until you delete them. (How long the cookie will be kept on your device, will vary depending on the duration or “lifetime” of that cookie, and your browser’s settings.)

When you visit our Website, you may also receive cookies from third-party websites or domains. Detailed information about these cookies may be available on respective third-party websites and such cookies are not covered by this Policy.

You can control the cookies, prevent their collection/saving or delete them at your own discretion. Web browsers and mobile devices allow this to happen, but these settings may differ for each browser and mobile device. You can access the necessary information from the settings section of your web browser and mobile device. However, please note that if you choose to reject all cookies, this may cause some functional cookies from working properly, and our Website may not work correctly and effectively on your device.

Purposes of Use of Cookies

For operational uses: We may use cookies that we deem necessary for the administration and security of our Website. Examples of cookies used for operational purposes include technologies that enable the use of our Website functions and cookies used to detect irregular behavior in these channels.

For functionality: We may use cookies to ensure the most efficient use of our Website and to customize their visits for users. Examples of cookies used for functionality include technologies that allow us to remember user information and preferences.

For performance: We may use cookies to increase and measure the performance of our Website. Examples of cookies used for this purpose include technologies that allow us to understand how users use our Website and to analyze user behavior and whether there is an interaction with the posts we send.

As per the Law No. 5651 on the Regulating of Internet Broadcasts and Prevention of Crimes Committed through Such Broadcasts, ‘‘service providers’’ are obliged to retain site traffic information for at least one year. Traffic information consists of the IP address you use to access our Website and the information of the page you accessed. Although this information does not make your identity identifiable by itself, your identity becomes identifiable if one matches the IP address allocated to you with the IP address in the traffic information kept on our Website. Therefore, your traffic information that we are obliged to retain as a service provider, is securely stored electronically for an appropriate period of time, subject to the provisions of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data.


C. Awareness Declaration on Protection of Personal Data

As per the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“LPPD“), we, as Pekin Bayar Mizrahi Law Firm, as a “Data Controller”, would like to inform you on our personal data processing activities as per Article 10 of the LPPD.

 1. Data Controller

As per the LPPD, we, as Pekin Bayar Mizrahi Law Firm in the capacity of Data Controller, will be processing, recording, storing, classifying, updating your personal data correctly and updated in accordance with the laws and good faith in connection with, limited to and in proportionate with the purposes mentioned below and be disclosing/transferring to the third parties in cases permitted by legislation and/or limited to their processing purposes.

2. Purpose of Processing Your Personal Data

Your name, surname, e-mail address and personal data that you have included in your message – if any – collected through the form you fill out to contact us, are processed without your explicit consent for the purposes of responding to your requests and questions, conducting communication activities and client relationship management processes, and stored in electronic media safely for a period accorded with the related purpose of processing.

Your personal data included in your resume that are collected via e-mails sent to info@pekin.com.tr  for job applications (Personal data of special nature, which are listed as numerus clausus under Article 6(1) of the LPPD, are not requested by us within the scope of job application evaluations, therefore please do not include your personal data of special nature) are processed in accordance with the fundamental principles stipulated under the LPPD, for the purposes of conducting the employee candidate/trainee/student selection and placement processes, and conducting the application processes of the employee candidates, without your explicit consent, and stored in electronic media safely for a period accorded with the related purpose of processing.

3. Transfer of Your Personal Data

In accordance with the basic principles set forth in the LPPD and within the terms and purposes of personal data processing regulated in Article 8 of the LPPD, your personal data, which will be processed within the purposes explained above, will be transferred to persons stated below, will be shared with the same and/or right to access your personal data will be granted to the same.

Your name, surname, e-mail address and personal data that you have included in your message – if any – and your personal data included in your resume, will be shared with the contracted IT company, without your explicit consent, since we outsource IT services for the management, maintenance and technical support of our Website and e-mail server.

Also, we would like to state that, if we have an obligation to share your personal data in order to perform a legal duty, put our terms and conditions or other contracts into force or to implement the same or to secure right, ownership or safety of our clients or others, we may disclose your personal data to public institutions and organizations authorized by laws and authorized private persons/entities without your explicit consent.

As Pekin Bayar Mizrahi Law Firm, we undertake to keep your personal data strictly private and confidential, to take the necessary measures and to take due care in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation, in order to prevent unauthorized use or disclosure of personal data to a third party.

4. Collection Method and Legal Reason of the Collection of Your Personal Data

Your name, surname, e-mail address and personal data that you have included in your message – if any – and your personal data included in your resume, are collected electronically and based on the above-mentioned purposes via the contact form on our Website and via the e-mails that you send to info@pekin.com.tr. All of your personal data collected in this regard will be processed without your explicit consent, based on the legal reason that ‘‘it is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the controller, provided that this processing shall not violate the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data owner’’ as per Article 5(2)/f of the LPPD.

5. Your Rights Arising From Article 11 of the Law as Data Owner

If you transmit your request related to your mentioned rights as data owner, in writing and along with the documents confirming your identity and written petition including your explanations regarding the rights you wish to exercise, to our Firm’s address at Etiler, Ahular Sokak No: 15, 34337 Beşiktaş/İstanbul in person, via notary or by registered letter with return receipt or by e-mail to info@pekin.com.tr, your request will be reviewed and finalized by our Firm as stipulated under the Law in 30 (thirty) days at the latest. Even though it is essential that no fee will be charged regarding the requests, our Firm’s right to charge a fee on the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board is reserved.

In the capacity of “Data Controller” under the Law, we would like to inform you that, save for the cases set forth in article titled “Exceptions” Article 28 of the Law, you have the right to learn whether your personal data has been processed or not; to request information about it if it has been processed, to learn the purpose of the processing and that if it has been used for its purpose, to learn if it has been transferred to third parties at Turkey or abroad, to request notification of transactions made by third parties to which it has been transferred, to request correction of personal data if it has been processed imperfectly or wrongly, to request deletion or destruction if the reasons for the processing have ended, to request notification of these transactions made to the third parties which it has been transferred, to object a result against you exclusively arising through the analysis made via automatic systems and request your loss to be indemnified in case you suffer a loss due to a processing in contrary to the Law, by applying to our Firm.


 Pekin ve Bayar Danışmanlık Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti.

Address          : İstanbul Beşiktaş Etiler Ahular Sokak No.15

Tel                  : +90 (0212) 359 57 00

Mersis No       : 726004019700017


Our privacy policy may change from time to time. In this context, all future changes will be also published within the Privacy Policy on this page.

Last Update: 25.02.2021