New Developments in Renewable Energy

The Law amending, among other things, the Electricity Market Law No: 6446 and the Coastal Law No: 3621, is published in the Official Gazette on May 11, 2024. The amendments introduce new opportunities for the potential investors in renewable energy, as well as, new prospects for current investors that have been looking for ways to focus their efforts and resources in other areas.


Amendments to the Mining Law and Natural Gas Market Law are underway.
Currently, for an exploration license to be transformed into an operation license, Article 24 of the Turkish Mining Law No:3213 requires a report to be prepared in accordance with the National Minerals Resource and Reserve Planning Code (UMREK) for all groups of mines

Landmark Decision

The Court of Appeal (“Court”) handed down a landmark decision in a claim requesting the court to set-aside an arbitral award.

Advising RES Participations SAS and RES Anatolia Holding in the sale of 100% of their shares in Galatya Enerji Üretim

We are proud to announce that Pekin Bayar Mizrahi advised RES Participations SAS, the world’s largest independent renewable energy company..