Turkish Technology Ecosystem – NFTs under Turkish Law
Our article, in which our partners Fatoş Otcuoğlu and Aslı Kucuroğlu take a deep look into NFTs from the Turkish law perspective..
Our article, in which our partners Fatoş Otcuoğlu and Aslı Kucuroğlu take a deep look into NFTs from the Turkish law perspective..
Bilindiği üzere 16.06.2020 tarihli ve 7246 sayılı Kanun’la 4054 sayılı Rekabetin Korunması Hakkında Kanun’un (“Kanun”) 43. maddesinin beşinci fıkrasına getirilen..
The mechanism of reconciliation was introduced to competition law with the amendment made to the fifth paragraph of Article 43 of the Competition Protection Law numbered 4054..
Norton Rose Fulbright’s global comparative guide for patents is now updated with a section on Turkey.
Communiqué No. 2021/4 (“Amendment Communiqué numbered 2021/4”)..
Communiqué No. 2021/4 (“Amendment Communiqué numbered 2021/4”)..
With the recent announcement of the Competition Authority dated 24.6.2021, it has been declared that with respect to the applications of the transaction parties..
On March 16, 2021, Turkish Competition Authority published two important communiqués.
On March 16, 2021, Turkish Competition Authority published two important communiqués.
Recent Amendments on The Regulation on Commercial Advertisements and Unfair Commercial Practices.