Anayasa Mahkemesi Kararı

Anayasa Mahkemesi (“AYM”) geçtiğimiz günlerde verdiği ve yakın zamanda Resmi Gazete’de de yayımlanan bir kararında, başka bir çalışanın işyeri telefonunu kullanarak başvurucu ile yaptığı mesajlaşmanın işverence denetlenmesi ve içeriğinin incelenmesi sonucu elde edilen..

Decision of the Constitutional Court

In its recent decision concerning a case where the information which was obtained by the employer as a result of the inspection of another employee’s messages with the applicant on the mobile phone allocated for use of work has been used..

Pekin Bayar Mizrahi enhances dispute resolution team with major partner hire.

We are delighted to welcome standout dispute resolution practitioner Maral Celepyan Avşar as a partner to our dispute resolution practice team.

Turkish Constitutional Court rejects law enforcement officer’s dismissal appeal.

In recent days, Turkish Constitutional Court (“TCC”) decided on the application made by the applicant, with the claim that the expression of “…to make an inquiry…”

Recent Decision of the Turkish Constitutional Court Concerning Unlawful Obtainment of Personal Data

In a recent decision, the Turkish Constitutional Court (“TCC”) ruled that the “right to demand the protection of personal data” was violated within the scope of “respect to privacy of private life”..

A Recent Precedent by the Turkish Constitutional Court on Employees’ Right of Privacy and Freedom of Communication

In a recent decision of the Turkish Constitutional Court (the “TCC”), in a case where the information which was obtained by the employer as a result..

Precedent Regarding the Intermediary Service Providers Not to be Held Responsible for Defective Goods

The refund decision of a defective product purchased from a company providing electronic commerce over an internet network, rendered against the intermediary service provider company..

Amendments to the Regulation on Commercial Advertisement and Unfair Commercial Practices

The Regulation amending the Commercial Advertisement and Unfair Commercial Practices Regulation dated January 10, 2015 and numbered 29232 (the “Regulation”) was published in the Official Gazette on February 01, 2022.