Yurt Dışına Kişisel Veri Aktarımına İlişkin Kritik Rehber: Uygulamada Neler Değişiyor?

12 Mart 2024 tarihinde yayımlanan Resmi Gazete ile 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu’nun (“Kanun”) “Kişisel verilerin yurt dışına aktarılması” başlıklı 9. maddesinde değişiklik yapılmıştı. Ardından, 10 Temmuz 2024 tarihli Resmi Gazete ile Kişisel Verilerin Yurt Dışına Aktarılmasına İlişkin Usul Ve Esaslar Hakkında Yönetmelik

Critical Guideline on Cross-Border Transfers of Personal Data: What is Changing in Practice?

Article 9 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“Law”) titled “Cross-border transfer of personal data” was amended by the Official Gazette published on March 12, 2024. Subsequently, the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Cross-Border Transfer of Personal Data

Artificial Intelligence Chatbots and Personal Data Protection

The Personal Data Protection Authority (“Authority”) published an Information Note on Chatbots (Example: ChatGPT) (“Information Note”) on its official website on November 8, 2024.

Personal Data Protection Law – Updated Penalties

The Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“PDPL”) aims to protect privacy, ensure data security and prevent unlimited and indiscriminate collection of personal data, unauthorised access, disclosure or violation of personal rights as a result of misuse or violation. The failure to comply with the rules set forth under PDPL may result in administrative fines, which are revised each year, and also in criminal sanctions.

Public Announcement on the Standard Contract Notification Module

The Personal Data Protection Authority (“Authority”) published the Public Announcement on the Standard Contract Notification Module (“Public Announcement”) on 25/10/2024.

Personal Data Processing Requirement

The Personal Data Protection Authority (“Authority”) published the Information Note on the Personal Data Processing Requirements When Processing Is Provided for by the Laws (“Information Note”) on 05/08/2024.

Amendments Regarding Law on Protection of Personal Data Law

The amendments to the Law on Protection of Personal Data Law No. 6698 (“LPPD”) with the Law Proposal No. 7499 on the Amendment of the Criminal Procedure Law and Certain Laws (“Law Proposal”) is published at the Official Gazette of Türkiye on 12th of March, 2024. The referred amendments aim to harmonize the LPPD with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

Total Annual Balance Threshold for VERBIS Registration is Increased

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As per Article 16 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and Regulation on Data Controller’s Registry Data Protection Board (Board) is authorized to determine exemption for the registration obligation by taking into account the objective criteria set by the Board such as the nature and quantity of the data processed, or the facts as data is being processed or transferred to third parties by virtue of law.

Anayasa Mahkemesi Kararı

Anayasa Mahkemesi (“AYM”) geçtiğimiz günlerde verdiği ve yakın zamanda Resmi Gazete’de de yayımlanan bir kararında, başka bir çalışanın işyeri telefonunu kullanarak başvurucu ile yaptığı mesajlaşmanın işverence denetlenmesi ve içeriğinin incelenmesi sonucu elde edilen..

Decision of the Constitutional Court

In its recent decision concerning a case where the information which was obtained by the employer as a result of the inspection of another employee’s messages with the applicant on the mobile phone allocated for use of work has been used..